Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Every Day Should Be a Holiday

Pretty quiet week. I stood on something and cut my big toe, so I pretty much stayed in all week and tried to understand the TV. As a result, enquiries are being made about cable TV today.

This weekend was a long weekend though! YEAH! Well, being unemployed makes every weekend a long weekend, but this one was a bit special. The reason for ther long weekend? Monday was MARINE DAY! A day where we all give thanks to the sea and the delicious bounty it provides.

To coincide with the long weekend, the Ueno Summer Festival began on Saturday with the twilight Lamp Lighting Ceremony. The way I understand it, wishes or prayers are put in a lamp, and set adrift on the lake. I think.

Not the best photo, but lamps floating on the lake

There was also a night market which was selling all sorts of food and junk. I tried some octopus balls, but liked them more before I found the giant piece of tentacle in one of them. More photos from the market:








The other thing we did this weekend is go to a bar called The Rock Factory. I was expecting a seedy little dive like Cherry or Pony, but the only indication of it being a rock bar was an acoustic guitar behind the bar (a 7-piece band did play later, but they were hardly rock). They also did food - despite being recommended the Bon Jovi Buffalo Wings, I went with the Kurt Cobain Grilled Chicken Burger. If anyone can advise me the connection between Kurt Cobain and Grilled Chicken Burgers, it would be appreciated.