Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Back in Black

We finally got a decent reservation at Ninja. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if youre a city slicker and aint never seen no snow before), the day we got the reservation for also happened to be the day Tokyo received the largest snowfall in 60 years:

But no amount of snow was going to stop us getting to Ninja.

The entrance was secret enough...

...until we realised we were at the back of the restaurant at the delivery door. Once we made it into the front door, the slightly-ninjaesque girl at reception checked our reservation, and called out the secret ninja password for a ninja to take us through the ninja-lair to our table.

She actually had to do this twice, as the button she was pressing at the same time she made called the secret ninja password didnt work properly. Embarassing for everyone concerned.

To get to our table, we had to walk through past the ninja grotto...

...escorted by our very own Ninja for the night


1. Dry ice is an essential Ninja tool

Served with a trick, hey? Count me in.

This grapefruit entree originally had a sword stuck through it. Once the ninja delivered it to the table, he quickly took the sword out of the grapefruit, and all the dry ice started coming out of the resulting holes. Awesome.

2. Ninjas are experts on desserts

Needless to say, this is the Frog Looking Cheesecake

3. The ancient Ninja arts are not dying

We were shown a stunning display of card, coin AND rubber band tricks at our table. And, the trick-performing ninja set fire to the dessert menu! No photos though...the ninjas are very protective of their craft.

4. Just about anyone can become a Ninja!

The trick-performing ninja said Gel has the hands of a female ninja, during the make-the-coin-disappear trick. The waiter said I could be a ninja because I signed the credit-card slip very, very quickly. At almost ninja-speed.

5. Ninjas do NOT flip out and kill people nearly as often as most people think.

The ninja suggested this photo. Really.

Apologies for the dark photos in this post. Ninjas arent real big on flash photography.