Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mr E's Beautiful Blues

God-damn right, it IS a beautiful day!
The typhoon the other night has blown all the smog and crap away from the city, so for the first time in a month, theres blue sky! And lots of it! Last night I could actually see stars in the sky. I havent seen them since I came here.
The typhoon itself was a bit of a let-down. It changed course during the afternoon, so instead of the torrential rain and gale force winds we were promised, we were treated to a slight breeze and moderate showers.
Of course, with the skies now being clear, the sun can get to work. Yesterday was stinkin' hot, and today looks like being the same.

Lucky today is Eel Day then!

Everyone is supposed to eat eel today, as they are chock-full of eely nutrients and vitamins which are supposed to help people get through the rest of the summer. Mark it in your diaries for next year - 28th July is Eel Day.

OK. I'm off to eat some eel. Happy Eel Day, y'all!