Sunday, October 08, 2006

The (rein)deer section

Highlights of our trip to Nara and districts, home of the friendliest wild deer on the planet! If they suspect you have food, though, they will chase and headbutt you until you give it to them. I got a scratch on my arm from this guy:

...and this one bit Gel on the bottom. Ha!

Here are some other, gentler, deer:

But Nara isnt just about deer and skittles. It also has a big-ass temples and statues!

The Todaiji temple, worlds largest wooden structure AND home to the worlds largest bronze Buddha! Two worlds best for one building!

The worlds largest bronze Buddha. This photo doesnt really do it justice. Its really, really big.

This hole in the wooden column is thought the be the size of Buddhas nostril. Those that can fit through the hole are blessed with good luck.

I am not lucky.